Our review and risk assessment will provide you with on site one on one contact for the personal attention your Enterprise needs. Our certified C.I.S.A. auditors with over 25 experience will direct you and your team to managing a more secure, risk observed, and efficient environment, all while building a long lasting professional trusted Enterprise relationship.
Our work will be based primarily upon evaluating risk related to information technology and security at the Bank. Additional detailed reviews will be completed where deemed required, based on our opinion of risk factors in place.
NavisPro will conduct an Information Technology security review in accordance with the FDIC Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection Information Technology General Work Program and FFIEC IT Examination Handbooks.
Onsite we will observe and review the physical systems and the controls in place at the Bank. We will determine the configuration and appropriateness of settings on the servers, network systems, critical applications, backup solutions, and other applicable systems in place. The board of Directors minutes will be reviewed for appropriate oversight and approval of IT security policies and procedures, the review conducted of IT committee minutes, Board of Directors minutes, results of testing, and various required reports submitted by Management. We will evaluate the banks system for tracking and audit and regulatory expectations to final resolution.
Identify the gaps in controls, security, and risk management with a comprehensive IT Audit.
Now more than ever there is a growing need for risk assessments, not only for compliance standards, but also for the management continuity of your organization.
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
2583 Huntcliff Lane, Suite B Panama City, FL 32405 (850) 747-7303 info@navispro.com
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